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Things Happen.

Spring viraemia of carp

Disease identification sheet

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There are quite a few signs for this disease:​

  • Swollen or distended stomach 

  • Swelling of the eyes (exophthalmos)

  • Trailing from anal gland of mucal faecal cast

  • Tiny red, brown or purple spots on the skin, eyes and gills. (petechiae)

  • Body of specimen is often much darker than usual 


The scientific bit...

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Spring viraemia of carp (SCV) was first discovered in Yugoslavia (Fijan et al. 1971). After it was first discovered further cases were seen in most European countries, south America, china, the middle east and the USA. In fact, SVC happen to exist in most counties where low water temperatures occur regularly.

SVC is a disease that mainly targets carp but will infect all types of cyprinid. This infectious viral disease uses the common carp as it principle host and clinical disease has been identified in all carp groups extending to goldfish (Carassius auratus), Tench (Tinker Tinker) and Wels catfish (Silurus glanis).


The SVC disease multiplies itself within the endothelial cells in the blood capillaries, cell of the nephron and in haematopoietic tissue. It is characteristics are that the fish have an impairment in the balancing of saltwater which has links to oedema and haemorrhage.


Transfer of the virus is through it being passed on from one fish to another; as the virus remains in the faecal matter of infected fish and also from parasites transferring from infected fish to uninfected fish. The death rate expectancy is high and will affect all age ranges of fish. This will occur with the water temperature between 10 degrees centigrade and 17 degrees centigrade, although fry have been noted as being affected in water temperatures above 23 degrees centigrade. However, stock that has lived through the disease can have a bolstered immune system and have a greater chance of survival if another outbreak is to occur.


It is easy for us as anglers to control the spread of this virus; we can clean our equipment and follow state guidelines on moving fish. For further information on fish control follow the links to environmental agency.

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